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1330 Mulberry Pike
Shelbyville, KY 40065
Contact us
Phone Number
Directions from Louisville:
Take I64 E towards Lexington
Take exit 35 onto KY-53 towards Shelbyville
Turn left onto Mount Eden Rd towards Shelbyville
In 3.3 miles turn right onto Cropper Road
In 4.4 miles take a slight left onto Cropper Road
In 1.3 miles turn left onto Bellview Road
At the stop sign turn right onto Mulberry Pike
Mulberry Orchard is on the right in 1.2 miles
Directions from Lexington:
Take I64 W towards Louisville
Take exit 48 onto KY-151 towards Graefenburg, Lawrenceburg
Turn right onto KY-151
In .9 miles turn left onto Louisville Road
In 4.2 miles take a slight left onto Elmburg Road
In 5.9 miles turn left onto Bagdad Road
in 4.8 miles turn right at crossway stop sign onto Cropper Road
In 1.3 miles turn left onto Bellview Road
At the stop sign turn right onto Mulberry Pike
Mulberry Orchard is on the right in 1.2 miles.
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